Hey You Guys!
It was another great weekend to be out in the woods and, thanks to our volunteers, we were able to knock out a few more of the projects at Camp Lor-Ray.
The biggest project was forming and pouring concrete sidewalks around the existing Family Camp bath house. Recent requests from campers who were having trouble accessing the bath house due to the uneven and hilly terrain moved this project's priority up several places and we are thankful for those who helped make it happen; Ross Rogien, Tim and Lori Hansen, Bobbie Fisher, Frank Anderson and Robbie Schmidt.
We also received a number of requests to pour a small concrete pad at the west end of the dining hall at the intersection of the existing sidewalks. Due to safety implications (and the fact that the concrete truck was going to be there anyway) this project was given a top priority too.
Last month we poured one of the approaches to the new Family Camp bath house. Yesterday the forms for that were stripped off and moved to the south side of the building so we could finish the concrete work there. Ross Rogien remarked at the end of the day "Michael, I am DONE pouring concrete at Camp for this year!!!" Today my back is echoing those sentiments.
Tim and Robbie managed to get the decking installed on one of the porches at Karnitz Hall and they started installing it on the second porch before giving up for the day.
I insisted on mounting a couple of boxes for switches and recepts in the new cabin before leaving just so I can say that the electrical work has at least been started there.
There are so many projects always requiring our attention at Camp Lor-Ray and without the help of volunteers many of them would never get done. We are so grateful for everyone that shows up on work days and throughout the year, giving generously of their time and talents. This is the biggest reason we are able to keep our camping fees (for both Kids' Camp and Family Camp) so low.
If your congregation or organization would like to help out in the future, please let us know. We'll make sure you have the materials, tools and directions needed to knock another project off our to-do list!
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