What We believe.
The corporation accepts and confesses all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the verbally inspired and inerant Word of God and submits to this Word as the only infallible authority of all matters, of faith and life. (2 Timothy 3:15-17)
This corporation accepts and confesses all the symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church contained in the Book of Concord of 1580 as true statements of scriptural doctrine. They are:
A. The three ecunemenical Creeds
1) The Apostles'
2) The Nicene
3) The Athanasian
B. The six Lutheran Confessions
1) Dr. Martin Luther's Small Catechism
2) Dr. Martin Luther's Large Catechism
3) The Unaltered Augsburg Confession
4) The Apology of the Augsburg Confession
5) The Smalcald Articles
6) The Formula of Concord
This corporation accepts and confesses these symbolical books without reservation, not insofar as, but because they are the presentation and explaination of the pure doctrine of the Word of God and a summary of the faith held by the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Hence, no doctrine shall be taught or tolerated in this corporation which is in any way a variance with the Holy Scriptures and these symbolical books.
Likewise, all controversies which may arise in this corporation shall be decided and adjusted according to this norm of doctrine and practice.
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