I received a letter from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans this week, thanking me "for helping to make Thrivent Choice a huge success in 2011." The letter explained some 'important changes' to the program that will take place over the next two years. These changes will affect Camp Lor-Ray.
When I first signed up for the Thrivent Choice program I chose to have my eligible Thrivent Choice Dollars directed to Camp Lor-Ray and also chose the 'recurring direction option' which would direct future TC Dollars to Camp, too. Thrivent will be eliminating the recurring direction in 2013. 2012 is a transitional year and I renewed my recurring direction by filling out and returning the tear-off card at the bottom of the letter I received.
Next year (and each year thereafter) I will have to go online or phone Thrivent to direct my eligible Thrivent Choice Dollars to Camp Lor-Ray or whatever organization I choose.
If you received a similar letter from Thrivent, please fill out the tear-off card at the bottom of it and return it so that Camp Lor-Ray continues to benefit from this charitable program.
Since the inception of this program Camp Lor-Ray has received $2,155.00.
Wow, I hadn't realized that we had received that much from the program. That's amazing.